Friday, September 11, 2009

Reverse Hooking

I'm going to have to do some reverse hooking. My hooking time has been very limited today, I couldn't start until after I served dinner and played cards with some very good friends. I cut a piece off of the army blanket I've kept hanging down in the basement. It's a funny brown color, which must be faded khaki because the binding threads are an army green. The blanket has a big US stamped in the center. I have planned to use it right from the beginning, but it was a bad choice. The color isn't what I remembered and I don't like it - when I do the antigodlin hooking with it, it looks like spilled horse pellets that have gotten wet. But, even if I liked the color, it is just too heavy to cut in an 8 and pull through the MCG linen I'm using. I tried several different hooks, including the very fat primitive Hartman that I really don't like to use. I think if I continued with this wool, I'd ruin my hands and wrists. So, I'm going to have to do some reverse hooking and some rethinking. Maybe I'll revert to antique black for my background - antique black with a red beauty line and antique black border - or, maybe I should do a gray background with a red border - using our high school colors... hmmm, reverse, rethink,and revert, or reverse, rethink, and reflect...
Tomorrow the little village of Hamburg is having it's annual festival - a festival I started. When I planned the festival, I included a rug show, and I'm sorry I haven't been able to make that an annual event. At any rate, I'm going to spend whatever time I can at the festival. I'm hoping my mother will feel like going with me,although very little in the village is handcap accessible. When I'm festivaled out, I'll have to find my background wool - I'm thinking gray will be my first choice. Gray background, red beauty line, and antique black border...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What about using a chocolate brown?