Thursday, March 08, 2012

I haven't given an update on Gibby for a long time. He's doing well. Fortunately, he has taken on the job of raising Gadget, and Gadget isn't an easy pup to raise. Gibby and I spend several hours every morning working together to turn Gadget into a decent dog - and it's very hard work. Gadget has had dozens of toys, but only one survives, the rest have been beaten up and chewed up by Gadge when she's in her divil dog moods. Poor Gibby either has armor for skin or he has tons of bruises hiding under his beautiful fur coat - Gadget bites him, leaps on him, and throws her toys at him. Once in a while, usually when she's chewing on his tail, he gives her a warning growl. She runs back and forth through the house and Gibby tries to keep up with her but quits after one run. She can recuperate with a ten second rest, Gibby needs a deep sleep. I am soooo glad to have Gibby, raising this wild puppy would be a disaster without him. I only have a chance to write this now because Gadge is busy chewing up a leash and my favorite white blanket - wait, that's MY blanket - STOP!


Saundra said...

Oh my but they can be a hand full when they are pups. Gibby is a beautiful dog. Good luck. Sounds like we should have Cesar Milan (the dog whisperer) visit your house too.


Rughooker said...

I sure could use a dog whisperer!


Loopie Lucy said...

Hi Phyllis, the Frost Lion is beautiful!

I totally relate to Gibby and Gadget. My 11yr old grand dog 90 lb Taylor (lab/rottie) has taken on the same role with grand puppy now 16lb 5 months old Bunker the Frug (French bulldog /pug) and is getting totally dominated and chewed on and worn out. Fortunately they can take the little one to doggie day care twice a week and the big dog doesn't leave the couch until he returns, lol.

Dogs are wonderful!