Monday, September 20, 2010

Second Nova Scotia Slide Show

This slide show includes rugs that may be displayed at the Hooked Rug Museum of North America collected by Suzanne and Hugh Conrod and a second collection of rugs that are in a private collection in Nova Scotia. I have hesitated to be more specific about the second collection for the sake of privacy and safety.

There are some unusual rugs in this slide show: one is an example of a proddy-type rug made for generations on Tancook Island, just off the South Shore of Nova Scotia, and the other is hooked with an old material almost lost in the fogs of time, a material recently researched and re-discovered, that can completely change our view of the history of rug hooking in North America.


Teresa said...

Very nice rug show!

Miccosukee said...

Spell binding! So wonderful for you to go through the process and present such a wonderful slideshow. Know that your hard work is greatly appreciated.
